Sunday, June 9, 2013

Challenges faced by Diversity in the Workplace

There are challenges to managing a diverse work population. Managing diversity is more than simply acknowledging differences in people. It involves recognizing the value of differences, combating discrimination, and promoting inclusiveness. Some of the challenges faced by increasingly diverse workforce in today's world are the following:

  • Communication- when an organization hires employees of other cultures whose first language is not English, employees and managers may experience difficulties communicating with one another. This can lead to misunderstandings and a decrease in productivity. Sometimes it helps for companies to hire bilingual employees who can mediate and reduce language and communication barriers.
  • Resistance to Change - Although workplace diversity benefits an organization as a whole, some employees and managers may not react positively to changes made. Employees who oppose workforce diversity usually reject new ideas and make work environments more difficult. To deal with opposition, companies should explain the reasons for diversity and what benefits changes in diversity bring to management and employees.
  • Implementation- Although on paper workplace diversity may seem like a good idea, many companies experience challenges when attempting to implement changes. Employers must develop strategies for implementation, analyze results and make necessary changes if results do not meet the established goals. To help with implementation, employers may decide to hire experienced professionals who specialize in workplace diversity.
  • Managing Diversity - Once workplace diversity is implemented, companies must effectively manage the changes in policies. This presents a challenge for many organizations. Challenges in managing workplace diversity can stem from several reasons, such as taking the wrong approach to solving diversity issues. For example, a company may adopt affirmative action policies in an attempt to solve diversity problems. Hiring based solely on race may not solve diversity issues. Many companies offer training programs to managers to help them effectively manage their newly diverse departments.

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